Meditation · Mindfulness

The New Moon in Virgo: Time Break Through Old Patterns!

New Moon Blessings ❤️

This new moon in Virgo is ushering in amazing energies that could be positive or negative :: old obstacles and wounds will be made known again — one can either transmute those past experiences into something higher and more light-filled or remain stagnant and keep being re-traumatized by old patterns.

Ironically, the sign of Virgo looks like “Me,” and that’s exactly what the next two weeks are giving you a chance to transform – the I Am. 🌕

What has the past two weeks brought back into your reality or awareness? In light of that, what is your intention for this new moon? To be an alchemist or victim? Hold these questions at all times and be mindful of the thoughts, feelings, and relationships unfolding around you. Now is not the time for autopilot.

Who is the “I Am” you envision (not the one you feel you’re stuck with)?

I am divine.
I am restored.
I am peace.
I am joy.
I am love.
I am the manifestation of all that is light.

Stay with that! 💙🌟

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